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Corporate / Team Workshops

Creative workshops are a great way to introduce a different approach to problem-solving and collaboration. So if you want to reconnect your team, learn new ways of working together in a virtual environment, or simply want to shake things up with an activity that gets people stepping out of their comfort zones and trying new ways of communicating and creating, get in touch. I work with organisations to design tailored, interactive virtual or face-to-face experiences that will leave people feeling energised and inspired.


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Speaking / Hosting Events

I have over 20 years of experience as a public speaker and Master of Ceremonies. I am a passionate advocate for women's health and wellbeing and how organisations can create inclusive, supportive environments where people are recognised and respected for their unique contribution and needs. In 2021, I became a Gidget Foundation Ambassador and Community Voice participant with the Judith Neilson Institute and Media Diversity Australia.


My professional experience includes delivering keynotes at community events and business conferences, facilitating corporate seminars, hosting Q&A panels, streaming webinars and podcasts with live guest interviews, and running creative workshops for my community art centre and for private functions.

Content strategy and execution

One of the most effective ways to create a following is to help your customers solve a problem or educate them in an area of interest where you are already an expert. Making this information available on your website is a great way to attract prospective customers and build your lead or subscriber database. I can help you design and implement your content marketing strategy and provide services to produce e-books or lead magnets from start to finish – from conducting the research and interviews, writing quality content, and designing and publishing the e-book in a downloadable format.

Image by Brands&People
Image by S O C I A L . C U T

Brand development and governance

If you want to communicate effectively, you need to have a good understanding of why you do what you do, and how this meets the needs of the people you’re offering your services to. During my brand consultations and workshops, we will work together to identify your company vision, mission, audience, customers, and use these to develop your brand principles and personality, and tone of voice guidelines. I will also develop templates so you achieve consistency in your company’s day-to-day written and spoken communication and marketing material.

Guest or ghost-written blog posts

Blogs need fresh content to keep your readers coming back for more but blogging often falls to the bottom of the priority list if you’re already swamped with other things to do for your business. Whether your blog needs one-off or regular contributions, or you simply want someone to help you articulate your ideas in a series of coherent and shareable posts, I can help.

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